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特点: 1本系列产品炉体设计和制造采用立式水管结构、具备良好的传热效果,热效率达到国家规定标准; 2炉胆设计考量膨胀应力,增大辐射受热面; 3产品蒸汽品质高,蒸汽干燥度高达96%以上; 4产品具备压力、温度、水位等多重联锁安全保护控制 5产品控制系统自动化程度高,可实现集群控制,操作简单,工作量小,单人值班即可。 6设计变动负荷大,能满足复杂工况要求; 7高效节能:以可再生生物质能源为燃料,使用成本低,比燃油(气)降低30-60%的运行成本。 8稳定可靠:微负压运行,不发生回火和脱火现象。 9低碳环保:烟尘、硫氮排放低,二氧化碳排放,符合GB13271烟尘排放要求; Featurers: 1,The vertical pipe structure facilitates heating transfer and the heating efficiency meets the related national standard. 2,The boiler furnace is designed to decrease the expansion force and enlarge the heated surface The dryness of the high quality steam is above 96% 3,The boiler is installed with multiple safety control system, including pressure, temperature,and water level 4,The automatic product control system can realize cluster control and easy operation,and only one operator is needed. 5,The boiler may satisfy most of complex work demanded 6,Efficient energy saving: the usage of reproducible biomass energy is of low cost, reducing operating cost by 30-60% compared with oil (gas). 7,Stability: slight pressure operation,with no backfire and flame lifting. 8,Low-carbon: low soot,sulphur and nitrogen emission,and the carbon dioxide emission meets the standard of GB13271. |